Thursday, October 8, 2009

Another day...

Today started off to be pretty fucking shitty. Mum woke me up at quarter to eight, telling me I'd been called into work. Had to draaaag myself out of bed for the pains in the ass. Finished work at 1:30 and went home for another shower.
Mum had been considering going to Barraba for the night, then found out she had a doctors appointment in the morning so she changed her mind. Me and my sister did what we do best... Begged.
So here we are. Chillin in the computer room with Pop. He's having his daily game of solitaire on the computer next to me and I'm typing away on here.
Not long got back from the old train park. Caught up with my old friend, Nugget (Chris). Made the stupid mistake of bringing my sisters along. Should've known they would show off.
They started getting into it, fighting and carrying on. So I tried getting Stephanie off of Taylor, got a big swing up to give her a dead arm and the silly woman moved her head so I punched her fair in the face.
Well didn't she crack the shits. I apoligised, tried to give her a hug and she says "Don't touch me." Then she packed up her shit and took off up the street by herself.
That's pretty much all that's happened today. Nugget was gonna come and have a beer with Pop but he's caught up with some mates at the pub so, yeah.
Shall talk to you tomorrow.
- Kristen x

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